The Next Chapter: Redefining Work

Welcome to a special episode of Redefining HR. For the past three years, I’ve had the privilege of hosting this podcast, and I’ve seen quite a bit of change during that time. Today, I’m excited to share how the podcast will also be changing in 2023.

But before that, I want to go back to the beginning. 

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The Origin of Redefining HR

In 2019, I worked on a yearlong Fast Company series called 21st Century HR. The series was meant to examine the progressive practices, leaders and approaches pushing the boundaries in HR and people operations.

Fast Company pieces are typically 1,000 words, and I thought it might be fun to create a podcast with the series. In the podcast, I would interview people on different topics and get to go more in depth. Within a few episodes, I quickly learned that my desire to create podcasts would outpace my ability to write articles.

Fast forward to 2020. I’m five seasons in with 21st Century HR, and I was working on my book Redefining HR. As I was getting ready to launch, I thought, “Hey, it makes sense to put all this content under one umbrella as Redefining HR.” So, by the end of 2020, 21st Century HR became Redefining HR.

From Redefining HR to Redefining Work

The podcast has gone through many changes. We’ll be taking a one-month hiatus at the end of season eight, and when we return in January, the Redefining HR podcast will be called the “Redefining Work” podcast. 

HR and people operations have experienced dramatic shifts in recent years. As an HR practitioner or someone who works closely with the field, you’ve seen these changes firsthand. The podcast’s focus has primarily been chief people officers, heads of people, chief HR officers and, occasionally, CEOs who share their perspective on the evolving world of work.

This year, as I thought about these shifts, I realized that the world of work isn’t limited to HR and people functions. This evolution transcends our function and what we’re doing. External factors are shaping work, and I realized we need to be having these conversations outside of HR, too.

The future of work is a conversation for business and society, and it needs to happen in more spaces. I want to include more CEOS, economists and other experts so we’re sharing even more views and perspectives with you as viewers and listeners.

What’s Coming in Season 9

The podcast will officially change names in January 2023. Another change is that the podcast schedule will shift from once a week to every other week under the Redefining Work banner.  

I’m also focused on engaging with the community that has been with Redefining HR and Amplify. So, I’m launching a new platform on Substack called Redefining Work. The Substack will be a place where listeners can find a range of other content and resources, including breaking news and special events. 

I’ll also be shifting the Amplify Digest newsletter to Substack, renaming it the Redefining Work newsletter. This newsletter will be published each Wednesday. 

I am excited about what lies ahead. I’m grateful for everyone who has listened, subscribed and shared the podcast. I’m also thankful to the incredible guests who’ve shared their deep expertise and knowledge. I’ve learned a lot and appreciate everyone who’s recommended stories and leaders for me to feature.

As for what’s next for the rest of this year? We’ll be back with a very special episode next week. And for the season finale, I’m excited to have Marcus Buckingham back on the show to get his thoughts on the past year and what lies ahead for us.

People in This Episode


The Act of Love in Innovation With PepsiCo SVP & Chief Design Officer Mauro Porcini


Reshaping Talent Strategies With Northwestern Mutual EVP and CHRO Don Robertson